Bad Things
Title: "Bad Things"
Show: Breathe
BREATHE follows five couples grappling with the pandemic's impact on their lives, families, relationships, society, and health. As sung by Hamilton star, Rubén J. Carbajal, "Bad Things" follows a young architect in Mexico, who has taken in a near stranger he met at a wedding and has grown feelings for. She has taken ill from fever and can't get to a doctor, so he sits vigil by her as he thinks about past regrets and fate in a long dark night of the soul.
Music & Lyrics: Rob Rokicki
YouTube video / streaming site link:
Style : Dramatic, uptempo
Size: Solo
Genre: Pop/Rock Musical theatre
General Range: Bari-tenor
Specific range: B3 - A4 (optional G)
Gender (approx.): Male
Key: D
You'll get a PDF of the piano/vocal sheet music.